Wikimedia humdrum tag extension

Here is an implementation of a humdrum tag extension for Wikimedia:


 * humdrum-mediawiki-extension
 * Humdrum music notation extension for MediaWiki.
 * Craig Stuart Sapp <>
 * Wed Dec 12 14:54:26 PST 2018
 * Developed for use in MediaWiki 1.24
 * This <humdrum> tag extension converts Humdrum scores into SVG images using
 * the Verovio toolkit on a MediaWiki-based wiki (
 * The extension loads an external javascript program to produce SVG images
 * directly within a user's web browser:
 *   humdrum-plugin ( 
 * which serves as a front-end to manage options for the Verovio toolkit (
 * The extension will convert a <humdrum> tag such as this:
 *   <humdrum scale="40">
 *   **kern
 *   *clefG2
 *   *M4/4
 *   1c;
 *   ==
 *   *-
 *   </humdrum>
 * into the following HTML code inserted onto the page:
 *   <script>
 *      displayHumdrum({
 *         "scale": "40"
 *      })
 *   </script>
 *   <script type="text/x-humdrum" id="example">
 *      **kern
 *      *clefG2
 *      *M4/4
 *      1c;
 *      ==
 *      *-
 *   </script>
 * The scale parameter sets the size of the music.  Additional parameters
 * are listed at  The first use of
 * the <humdrum> tag will insert the following initializtion code:
 *   <script src=""></script>
 *   <script src=""></script>
 *   <script>var vrvToolkit = new verovio.toolkit()</script>
 * Programming References:

// tagCounter is used to initialize the humdrum-plugin code:
$tagCounter = 0;

$wgExtensionFunctions[] = 'wfHumdrum';
$wgExtensionCredits['parserhook'][] = array(
   'author'=>'Craig Stuart Sapp',
   'description'=>'Humdrum music notation renderer',

function wfHumdrum() {
   new Humdrum();

class Humdrum {

   public static function HumdrumTagSetup(Parser &$parser) {
      global $tagCounter;
      $tagCounter = 100;
      $tagName = "humdrum";
      $callback = function($input, $argv, $parser, $frame) use ($tagName) {
         return Humdrum::hookHumdrum($input, $argv, $parser, $frame, $tagName);
      $parser->setHook($tagName, $callback);
      return true;

   # Construct the extension and install it as a parser hook.
   public function __construct() { 
      global $wgHooks;
      $wgHooks['ParserFirstCallInit'][] = 'Humdrum::HumdrumTagSetup';

   # hookHumdrum -- The hook function. Handles <humdrum></humdrum>.
   # Receives the Humdrum content and <humdrum> parameters.
   public static function hookHumdrum($humdrumText, $argv, $parser, $frame, $tagName) {

      // prevent caching of pages using the extension

      // Build the displayHumdrum parameters string from the tag parameters
      // and insert into a <script> element.
      global $tagCounter;
      $source = "";
      $optionContainer = "<script>displayHumdrum({";
      foreach ($argv as $key => $val) {
         $optionContainer .= "\t\"$key\":\t\"$val\",";
         if ($key == "source") {
            $source = $val;
      if ($source == "") {
         // create an automatic name for the notation example
         $randval = rand();
         $source = "humdrum-$randval";
         $optionContainer .= "\t\"source\":\t\"$source\",";
      $optionContainer = preg_replace('/,$/', "", $optionContainer);
      $optionContainer .= "})</script>";

      $humdrumContainer = "<script type=\"text/x-humdrum\" id=\"$source\">\n";
      $humdrumContainer .= $humdrumText;
      $humdrumContainer .= "</script>";

      $initialization = "";
      if ($tagCounter == 100) {
         # Only include this code the first time an example is placed on the page.
         $initialization .= "<script src=\"\"></script>";

      return array("$initialization$optionContainer$humdrumContainer", "markerType" => 'nowiki');



If you have a wiki that uses MediaWiki, then here are instructions for allowing use of the <humdrum> tag to generate music notation on wiki pages:

(1) Place this line in the LocalSettings.php file that is located in the base directory of the wiki’s website (wherever that is installed on your web server):

  require_once "$IP/extensions/Humdrum/Humdrum.php";

(2) Place the above PHP script into a file called extensions/Humdrum/Humdrum.php in relation to the base directory of your wiki website.


Once the tag extension is installed on your wiki, you can type some text like this onto a wiki page:

!!!OTL: Twinkle, twinkle, little star
**kern	**text	**dynam
*M4/4	*	*
*k[]	*	*
*C:	*	*
4c	Twin-	p <
4c	-kle,	.
4g	twin-	.
4g	-kle	.
=	=	=
4a	lit-	.
4a	-tle	.
2g^	star,	[ f
=	=	=
4f'	how	pp <
4f'	I 	.
4e'	won-	.
4e'	-der	[[
=	=	=
4d'	what	>
4d'	you	.
2c;<	are	]]
==	==	==
*-	*-	*-
!!!RDF**kern: < = below

which will produce the SVG image:

The tag extension uses the Humdrum notation plugin. Attributes of the <humdrum> tag are mapped to displayHumdrum() input parameters:

<humdrum filter="transpose -k d" scale="55" spacingNonLinear="0.7">
[humdrum data goes here]

is equivalent to

      source: "twinkle2",
      filter: "transpose -k d",
      scale: 55,
      spacingNonLinear: 0.64

<script type="text/x-humdrum" id="twinkle2">
!!!OTL: Twinkle, twinkle, little star
**kern	**text	**dynam
*M4/4	*	*
*k[]	*	*
*C:	*	*
4c	Twin-	p <
4c	-kle,	.
4g	twin-	.
4g	-kle	.
=	=	=
4a	lit-	.
4a	-tle	.
2g^	star,	[ f
=	=	=
4f'	how	pp <
4f'	I 	.
4e'	won-	.
4e'	-der	[[
=	=	=
4d'	what	>
4d'	you	.
2c;<	are	]]
==	==	==
*-	*-	*-
!!!RDF**kern: < = below


which produces the SVG image:

See this wiki page for some demonstrations of the tag extension.