
This page lists options for controlling the display and formatting of music notation. These options are given within an object passed to the displayHumdrum function.

Here is a a minimal call to displayHumdrum, giving only a source ID for the Humdrum data to display:

   displayHumdrum({source: "default"});

<script type="text/x-humdrum" id="default">

To give more options, add them to the input object for displayHumdrum. Here is an example of changing the size:

   var options = {
      source: "large-print",
      scale: 80


<script type="text/x-humdrum" id="large-print">

Options list

Options that can be used in displayHumdrum() are displayed below. HNP-specific options names are colored in green, and verovio-specific options are colored in purple.

Non-numeric options

option name default value      description
appendText   Append the given text line(s) at the end of the Humdrum data before it is rendered. This is typically used to add reference records for printing the title information.
autoResize false Re-typeset the music whenever the browser window is resized. See this page for examples.
filter   A filter command which will be run on the Humdrum data before it is sent to the renderer to generate graphical music notation.
header false When set to “true”, display embedded title, composer, lyricist information in musical notation.
incipit false When set to “true”, only the first system of the music notation will be displayed.
postFunction   The name of a function to run after notation has been rendered to an SVG image.
postFunctionHumdrum   The name of a function to run after filtered Humdrum data is available after creating an SVG image.
source   A required ID for an element that stored the Humdrum data to generate notation from. The location of this element on the page will determine the position of the generated notation. If the data is downloaded via a URL, then this is the ID of the element where the downloaded data will be stored.
suppressSvg false Setup the container for an SVG image, but do not actually create one. This option is useful for pre-loading Humdrum data onto the page for later rendering. (see example usage)
target   An optional ID for the target container (useful for sharing a source with multiple notation displays).
uri   A predefined URI shortcut for Humdrum data located on the web. (example)
url   The URL from which to download data can be given with this parameter. By default musical data is stored extracted from the page, but this parameter allowed it to be downloaded from a separate file on the web server, or in certain cases, downloaded from other web servers such as Github. (see url documentation)
urlFallback   An alternate URL if data downloading with the url parameter fails. This allows downloading data from a mirror site if the primary one is down or inaccessible for some reason. (see url documentation)

Numeric options

option name default    min max description
pageWidth none 100 60000 Width of the music notation. By default, the humdrum plugin will set the width of the notation to match the width of the parent element that contains the notation.
pageMarginBottom 50 0 500 Height of the bottom margin.
pageMarginLeft 50 0 500 Width of the left margin.
pageMarginRight 50 0 500 Width of the right margin.
pageMarginTop 50 0 500 Height of the top margin.
scale 40 1   The scaling size of the music notation as a percentage.
spacingStaff 8 0 24 The minimum distance between staves in diatonic steps.
spacingLinear 0.25 0.0 1.0 This parameter controls the density of the notation, with 0.0 being very crowded and 1.0 being very spacious.
spacingNonLinear 0.6 0.0 1.0 This parameter controls the relative widths of notes compared to those that are twice as long. For example 0.6 means that half notes take up 60% of the space that two quarter notes would. A value of 0.0 means that all rhythms are equally spaced, and 1.0 means that note spacings are directly proportional to their durations. Small values will tend to compress the music wile large value tend to expand the musical spacing.
lyricSize ` 4.5 2.0 8.0 The height of lyric text in units of diatonic steps. (see lyrics option doc.)
lyricTopMinMargin 2.0 0.0 8.0 The minimum margin between lyrics and the music on the staff above them in units of diatonic steps (see lyrics options doc.).

Discussion and Examples