Integration with Javascript
Below is a musical dice game attributed to Mozart (K6
516f). The original score was printed in a musical magazine,
Rellstabschen Musikhandlung, in Berlin around 1790. Click on measure
numbers in the following grid to construct a score, which will be
displayed under the measure grid. When no measures are selected,
all of the input measures are displayed. To play the game, roll
two dice at a time to select a specific row in the grid. Do this
sixteen times to generate a randomized score. Click
here to load the full Humdrum score into Verovio Humdrum Viewer,
where you can also arrange the measures for the composition using
the myank filter. Click
to view the source code for this page. The website gives a stand-alone
example of this interactive javascript example with more features and is implemented
as a single HTML
!!!title: A realization of Musikalisches Würfelspiel (Mozart?, K6. 516f)
!!!OTL: Musikalisches Würfelspiel, K6. 516f
**kern **kern
*thru *thru
*clefF4 *clefG2
*k[] *k[]
*M3/8 *M3/8
*MM80 *MM80
*>A *>A
=104 =104
4C 16eeLL
. 16dd
. 16ee
. 16gg
8r 16ccc
. 16ggJJ
=95 =95
*^ *
4E 4C 8ggL
. . 8ee
*v *v *
8rBB 8ccJ
=158 =158
4GG 8bL
. 16ddL
. 16b
8r 16a
. 16gJJ
=13 =13
4E 4G (8ccL
. 8g
8r 8eJ)
=161 =161
8CL 8f#L 8cc
8C 8f# 8cc
8CJ 8f#J 8cc
=47 =47
4BB 4D 8ggL
. 16ggL
. 16ddJ
8r 8bbJ
=11 =11
8CL 16eeLL
. 16cc
8D 16b
. 16a
8DDJ 16g
. 16f#JJ
=5 =5
*>A1 *>A1
* *^
8GGL 4dd 4gg 4g 4b
16BL . .
16G . .
* *v *v
16F# 8r
16EJJ .
=:|! =:|!
*>A *>A
=104 =104
4C 16eeLL
. 16dd
. 16ee
. 16gg
8r 16ccc
. 16ggJJ
=95 =95
*^ *
4E 4C 8ggL
. . 8ee
*v *v *
8rBB 8ccJ
=158 =158
4GG 8bL
. 16ddL
. 16b
8r 16a
. 16gJJ
=13 =13
4E 4G (8ccL
. 8g
8r 8eJ)
=161 =161
8CL 8f#L 8cc
8C 8f# 8cc
8CJ 8f#J 8cc
=47 =47
4BB 4D 8ggL
. 16ggL
. 16ddJ
8r 8bbJ
=11 =11
8CL 16eeLL
. 16cc
8D 16b
. 16a
8DDJ 16g
. 16f#JJ
=5 =5
*>A2 *>A2
* *^
8GGL 4dd 4gg 4g 4b
16GL . .
16Fn . .
* *v *v
16E 8r
16DJJ .
*>B *>B
=90|| =90||
4C 4A 16ff#LL
. 16aa
. 16ddd
. 16aa
8C 8A 16ff#
. 16aaJJ
=77 =77
*^ *
4D 4BB 16ggLL
. . 16bbJ
. . 8gg
8G 8BB 8ddJ
*v *v *
=15 =15
*^ *
4G 4C 8eeL
. . 16ggL
. . 16eeJ
8E 8C 8ccJ
*v *v *
=9 =9
4G 8ccL 8ee
. 8bJ 8dd
8GG 8r
=112 =112
16CLL 16E 8eeL
16G .
16C 16E 8cc
16G .
16C 16E 8gJ
16GJJ .
=49 =49
16CLL 16E (8eeL
16G .
16C 16E 8cc
16G .
16C 16E 8gJ)
16GJJ .
=109 =109
4F 4A 16ddLL
. 16ff
. 16dd
. 16ff
8E 8d 16b
. 16ddJJ
=8 =8
8CL 4cc
8GG .
8CCJ 8r
== ==
*- *-