Embedding MEI

In addition to Humdrum data, MEI files can be embedded in the webpage (or loaded from an external URL). In general doing this is slower since an extra conversion into Humdrum is needed, and MEI files are about 20 times larger than Humdrum data for the same score. The 30-measure example on this page is 216 KB, while the Humdrum data is 12 KB.

You can also drag-and-drop a MEI file into Verovio Humdrum Viewer to convert to Humdrum, and then paste the Humdrum conversion into your webpage, rather than converting the XML data files on the fly to Humdrum data.

MEI content can be embedded into the webpage in place of Humdrum data. When the plugin reads the Humdrum script element and sees MEI instead of Humdrum data, it will convert it automatically into Humdrum before proceeding to generate notation.

The following example starts with MEI data, and then converts internally to Humdrum data before generating graphical notation. Scroll through the following box to view all of the MEI content enclosed in the Humdrum script element:

      source: "trink",
      scale: 28,
      spacingLinear: 0.32,
      header: true
<script type="text/x-humdrum" id="trink">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-model href="http://music-encoding.org/schema/4.0.0/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"?>
<?xml-model href="http://music-encoding.org/schema/4.0.0/mei-all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"?>
<mei xmlns="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei" meiversion="4.0.0">
                <title>Vier Lieder</title>
                    <persName xml:id="persname-L181" analog="humdrum:EED" role="editor">Nikolaus Hold</persName>
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                <application isodate="2018-12-24T01:45:14" version="2.0.0-dev-bd2039c">
                    <p>Transcoded from Humdrum</p>
                <p>Version: 2018/12/10</p>
                    <title xml:id="title-L3" analog="humdrum:OTL" type="main">Vier Lieder</title>
                        <persName xml:id="persname-L1" analog="humdrum:COM" role="composer">Felix Mendelssohn</persName>
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                        <referenceValue>Vier Lieder</referenceValue>
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                        <referenceValue>Allegro vivace</referenceValue>
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<lb xml:id="lb-0000001196580865" /> </rend>
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                                            <syl xml:id="syl-L12F13">2. Denn</syl>
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                                        <verse xml:id="verse-L51F13" n="2">
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                                        <verse xml:id="verse-L171F3" n="2">
                                            <syl xml:id="syl-L171F3" wordpos="t">ken.</syl>
                            <fermata xml:id="fermata-L171F11" staff="1" startid="#note-L171F11" place="above" />
                            <fermata xml:id="fermata-L171F8" staff="2" startid="#note-L171F8" place="above" />
                            <fermata xml:id="fermata-L172F5" staff="3" startid="#note-L172F5" place="above" />
                            <fermata xml:id="fermata-L171F1" staff="4" startid="#note-L171F1" place="above" />

Here is the converted Humdrum data:

!!!COM: Felix Mendelssohn
!!!OMV: Trinklied
!!!OTL: Vier Lieder
!!!OMD: Allegro vivace
!!!OTL: Vier Lieder
!!!system-decoration: (s1,s2,s3,s4)
**kern	**text	**text	**dynam	**kern	**text	**text	**kern	**text	**text	**kern	**text	**text
*part4	*part4	*part4	*part4	*part3	*part3	*part3	*part2	*part2	*part2	*part1	*part1	*part1
*staff4	*staff4	*staff4	*	*staff3	*staff3	*staff3	*staff2	*staff2	*staff2	*staff1	*staff1	*staff1
*clefF4	*	*	*	*clefF4	*	*	*clefGv2	*	*	*clefGv2	*	*
*k[f#c#g#d#]	*	*	*	*k[f#c#g#d#]	*	*	*k[f#c#g#d#]	*	*	*k[f#c#g#d#]	*	*
*M3/4	*	*	*	*M3/4	*	*	*M3/4	*	*	*M3/4	*	*
8E	.	.	f	8E	1. So	2. Denn	8G#y	.	.	8G#y	1. So	2. Denn
8E	.	.	.	8F#y	lang	mei-	8A	.	.	8A	lang	mei-
8E	.	.	.	8G#y	man	-ne	8B	.	.	8B	man	-ne
=1	=1	=1	=1	=1	=1	=1	=1	=1	=1	=1	=1	=1
8.E	.	.	.	8.A	nüch-	Mei-	8.c#y	.	.	8.c#y	nüch-	Mei-
16E	.	.	.	16G#y	-tern	-nung	16B	.	.	16B	-tern	-nung
8E	.	.	.	8F#y	ist	ist	8A	.	.	8A	ist	ist
8E	.	.	.	8G#y	ge-	nicht	8B	.	.	8B	ge-	nicht
8E	.	.	.	8A	-fällt	ü-	8c#y	.	.	8c#y	-fällt	ü-
8E	.	.	.	8F#y	das	-ber-	8B	.	.	8d#y	das	-ber-
=2	=2	=2	=2	=2	=2	=2	=2	=2	=2	=2	=2	=2
4E^	.	.	.	4G#y^	Schlech-	-trie-	4B^	.	.	4e^	Schlech-	-trie-
8E	.	.	.	8G#y	-te,	-ben:	8B	.	.	8B	-te,	-ben:
8E	.	.	.	8E	wie	wenn	8B	.	.	8B	wie	wenn
8E	.	.	.	8E	man	man	8B	.	.	8c#y	man	man
8E	.	.	.	8F#y	ge-	nicht	8B	.	.	8d#y	ge-	nicht
=3	=3	=3	=3	=3	=3	=3	=3	=3	=3	=3	=3	=3
8.E	.	.	.	8.G#y	-trun-	trin-	8.B	.	.	8.e	-trun-	trin-
16E	.	.	.	16F#y	-ken	-ken	16B	.	.	16d#y	-ken	-ken
8E	.	.	.	8E	hat	kann	8B	.	.	8c#y	hat	kann
8E	.	.	.	8F#y	weiss	soll	8B	.	.	8d#y	weiss	soll
8E	.	.	.	8G#y	man	man	8B	.	.	8e	man	man
8C#y	.	.	.	8A#	das	nicht	8e	.	.	8f#y	das	nicht
=4	=4	=4	=4	=4	=4	=4	=4	=4	=4	=4	=4	=4
4BB	.	.	.	4B	Rech-	lie-	4e	.	.	4g#y	Rech-	lie-
4BB'	.	.	.	8BB	-te,	-ben,	4d#y	.	.	4f#y	-te,	-ben,
.	.	.	.	8B	wie	wenn	.	.	.	.	.	.
4r	.	.	.	8B	man	man	4r	.	.	4r	.	.
.	.	.	.	8B	ge	nicht	.	.	.	.	.	.
=5	=5	=5	=5	=5	=5	=5	=5	=5	=5	=5	=5	=5
8.G#yL	weiss	soll	<	8.B	trun-	trin-	8.eL	.	.	8.eL	weiss	soll
16F#yJ	.	.	[	16A#	-ken	-ken	16d#yJ	.	.	16d#yJ	.	.
4E	man	man	.	8B	hat,	kann,	4c#y	.	.	4c#y	man	man
.	.	.	.	8B	wie	wenn	.	.	.	.	.	.
8r	.	.	.	8B	man	man	8r	.	.	8r	.	.
8E	das	nicht	.	8B	ge-	nicht	8c#y	.	.	8c#y	das	nicht
=6	=6	=6	=6	=6	=6	=6	=6	=6	=6	=6	=6	=6
8.G#yL	Rech-	lie-	<	8.B	-trun-	trin-	8.eL	.	.	8.eL	Rech-	lie-
16F#yJ	.	.	[	16A#	-ken	-ken	16d#yJ	.	.	16d#yJ	.	.
4E	-te,	-ben,	.	8B	hat	kann	4c#y	.	.	4c#y	-te,	-ben,
.	.	.	.	8B	weiss	soll	.	.	.	.	.	.
4r	.	.	.	8B	man	man	4r	.	.	4r	.	.
.	.	.	.	8B	das	nicht	.	.	.	.	.	.
=7	=7	=7	=7	=7	=7	=7	=7	=7	=7	=7	=7	=7
4G#y	wie	wenn	<	[2.B	Rech-	lie-	4e	.	.	4e	wie	wenn
4F#y	man	man	.	.	.	.	4d#y	.	.	4d#y	man	man
4E	ge-	nicht	.	.	.	.	4c#y	.	.	4c#y	ge-	nicht
=8	=8	=8	=8	=8	=8	=8	=8	=8	=8	=8	=8	=8
4.D#y	-trun-	trin-	[	2B]	.	.	4.d#y	.	.	4.d#y	-trun-	trin-
8D#y	-ken	-ken	.	.	.	.	8d#y	.	.	8d#y	-ken	-ken
4D#y	hat	kann,	.	4A#	-te,	-ben,	4c#y	.	.	4d#y	hat	kann,
=9	=9	=9	=9	=9	=9	=9	=9	=9	=9	=9	=9	=9
4G#y	weiss	soll	.	2.r	.	.	8.BL	.	.	8.d#yL	weiss	soll
.	.	.	.	.	.	.	16A#J	.	.	16c#yJ	.	.
4G#y	man	man	.	.	.	.	8G#yL	.	.	8BL	man	man
.	.	.	.	.	.	.	8A#yJ	.	.	8c#yJ	.	.
4G#y	das	nicht	.	.	.	.	8BL	.	.	8d#yL	das	nicht
.	.	.	.	.	.	.	8c#yJ	.	.	8eJ	.	.
=10	=10	=10	=10	=10	=10	=10	=10	=10	=10	=10	=10	=10
2.F#y	Rech-	lie-	<	4B	weiss	soll	4d#y	Rech-	lie-	[2.f#y	Rech-	lie-
.	.	.	.	8A#	man,	man,	8c#y	-te,	-ben,	.	.	.
.	.	.	.	8A#y	weiss	soll	8c#y	weiss	soll	.	.	.
.	.	.	.	8B	man	man	8d#y	man	man	.	.	.
.	.	.	.	8c#y	das	nicht	8e	das	nicht	.	.	.
=11	=11	=11	=11	=11	=11	=11	=11	=11	=11	=11	=11	=11
4BB	-te.	-ben.	[	4B	Re-	lie-	8.d#yL	Rech-	lie-	8.f#yL]	.	.
.	.	.	.	.	.	.	16c#yJ	.	.	16eJ	.	.
8r	.	.	.	4BB	-chte.	-ben.	4B	-te.	-ben.	4d#y	-te.	-ben.
8c#y	Nur	Doch	.	.	.	.	.	.	.	.	.	.
8F#y	ist	sollt	.	4r	.	.	4r	.	.	4r	.	.
8G#y	das	ihr	.	.	.	.	.	.	.	.	.	.
=12	=12	=12	=12	=12	=12	=12	=12	=12	=12	=12	=12	=12
8.A	Ü-	Trin-	.	2.r	.	.	2.r	.	.	4r	.	.
16G#y	-ber-	-ker	.	.	.	.	.	.	.	.	.	.
8F#y	-maß	euch	.	.	.	.	.	.	.	8r	.	.
8C#y	auch	nicht	.	.	.	.	.	.	.	8c#y	Nur	Doch
8F#y	gleich	bes-	.	.	.	.	.	.	.	8F#y	ist	sollt
8E#	zu	-ser	.	.	.	.	.	.	.	8G#y	das	ihr
=13	=13	=13	=13	=13	=13	=13	=13	=13	=13	=13	=13	=13
4F#y	Han-	dün-	.	4r	.	.	4r	.	.	8.A	Ü-	Trin-
.	.	.	.	.	.	.	.	.	.	16G#y	-ber-	-ker
4C#y	-den;	-ken,	.	8r	.	.	8r	.	.	8F#y	-maß	euch
.	.	.	.	8c#y	.	.	8c#y	Nur	Doch	8c#y	auch	nicht
8r	.	.	.	8F#y	.	.	8F#y	ist	sollt	8f#y	gleich	bes-
8C#y	das	nicht	.	8G#y	.	.	8G#y	das	ihr	8e#	zu	-ser
=14	=14	=14	=14	=14	=14	=14	=14	=14	=14	=14	=14	=14
8.F#y	Ü-	bes-	.	8.A	.	.	8.A	Ü-	Trin-	4f#y	Han-	dün-
16G#y	-ber-	.	.	16G#y	.	.	16G#y	-ber-	-ker	.	.	.
4A	-maß	-ser	.	8F#y	.	.	8F#y	-maß	euch	4c#y	-den,	-ken,
.	.	.	.	8c#y	.	.	8c#y	auch	nicht	.	.	.
8r	.	.	.	8F#y	.	.	8f#y	gleich	bes-	8r	.	.
8C#y	das	nicht	.	8G#y	.	.	8e#	zu	-ser	8c#y	das	nicht
=15	=15	=15	=15	=15	=15	=15	=15	=15	=15	=15	=15	=15
(8.A	Ü-	bes-	.	(8.A	.	.	4f#y	Han-	dün-	(8.F#y	Ü-	bes-
16B)	-ber-	.	.	16G#y)	.	.	.	.	.	16G#y)	-ber-	.
4c#y	-maß	-ser	.	4F#y	.	.	4c#y	-den;	-ken,	4A	-maß;	-ser
4r	.	.	.	4r	.	.	4r	.	.	4r	.	.
=16	=16	=16	=16	=16	=16	=16	=16	=16	=16	=16	=16	=16
4D#y	.	.	f	4A	Ha-	wenn	4B	.	.	4f#y	Ha-	wenn
4D#y	.	.	.	4A	-fis!	man	4B	.	.	4B	-fis!	man
4E	.	.	.	4A	o	nicht	4B	.	.	4e	o	nicht
=17	=17	=17	=17	=17	=17	=17	=17	=17	=17	=17	=17	=17
8.F#y	.	.	.	8.A	leh-	lie-	8.B	.	.	8.e	leh-	lie-
16F#y	.	.	.	16A	-re	-ben	16B	.	.	16d#y	-re	-ben
4F#y	.	.	.	4A	mich	kann	4B	.	.	4d#y	mich	kann
4r	.	.	.	4r	.	.	4r	.	.	4r	.	.
=18	=18	=18	=18	=18	=18	=18	=18	=18	=18	=18	=18	=18
4D#y	.	.	.	4A	wie	soll	4B	.	.	4f#y	wie	soll
4D#y	.	.	.	4A	du's	man	4B	.	.	4B	du's	man
4C#y	.	.	.	4A	ver-	nicht	4B	.	.	4e	ver-	nicht
=19	=19	=19	=19	=19	=19	=19	=19	=19	=19	=19	=19	=19
4BB	.	.	.	4A	-stan-	trin-	4B	.	.	8.eL	-stan-	trin-
.	.	.	.	.	.	.	.	.	.	16d#yJ	.	.
4BB	.	.	.	4A	-den,	-ken,	4B	.	.	4d#y	-den,	-ken,
4r	.	.	.	4r	.	.	4r	.	.	4r	.	.
=20	=20	=20	=20	=20	=20	=20	=20	=20	=20	=20	=20	=20
!	!	!	!	!	!	!	!	!	!	!LO:TX:a:B:t=Solo	!	!
4E	.	.	p	4G#y	Ha-	wenn	4e	.	.	4e	Ha-	wenn
4E	.	.	.	4B	-fis!	man	4d#y	.	.	4e	-fis!	man
4E	.	.	.	4A	o	nicht	4c#y	.	.	4e	o	nicht
=21	=21	=21	=21	=21	=21	=21	=21	=21	=21	=21	=21	=21
4.E	.	.	.	4.G#y	leh-	lie-	4.B	.	.	4.e	leh-	lie-
8E	.	.	.	8A	-re	-ben	8A	.	.	16d#yL	-re	-ben
.	.	.	.	.	.	.	.	.	.	16c#yJ	.	.
4E	.	.	.	4B	mich	kann	4G#y	.	.	4B	mich	kann
=22	=22	=22	=22	=22	=22	=22	=22	=22	=22	=22	=22	=22
4C#y	.	.	.	4E	wie	soll	4A#	.	.	4A#	wie	soll
4C#y	.	.	.	4E	du's	man	4A#y	.	.	4c#y	du's	man
4C#y	.	.	.	4E	ver-	nicht	4A#y	.	.	4e	ver-	nicht
=23	=23	=23	=23	=23	=23	=23	=23	=23	=23	=23	=23	=23
2BB	.	.	.	2B	-stan-	trin-	2e	.	.	2g#y	-stan-	trin-
4BB	.	.	.	4A	-den,	-ken,	4d#y	.	.	4f#y	-den,	-ken,
=24	=24	=24	=24	=24	=24	=24	=24	=24	=24	=24	=24	=24
!	!	!	!	!	!	!	!	!	!	!LO:TX:a:B:t=Tutti	!	!
4E	.	.	f	4G#y	Ha-	wenn	4e	.	.	4e	Ha-	wenn
4E	.	.	.	4B	-fis!	man	4d#y	.	.	4e	-fis!	man
4E	.	.	.	4A	o	nicht	4c#y	.	.	4e	o	nicht
=25	=25	=25	=25	=25	=25	=25	=25	=25	=25	=25	=25	=25
4.E	.	.	.	4.G#y	leh-	lie-	4.B	.	.	4.e	leh-	lie-
8E	.	.	.	8A	-re	-ben	8A	.	.	16d#yL	-re	-ben
.	.	.	.	.	.	.	.	.	.	16c#yJ	.	.
4E	.	.	.	4B	mich	kann	4G#y	.	.	4B	mich	kann
=26	=26	=26	=26	=26	=26	=26	=26	=26	=26	=26	=26	=26
4C#y	.	.	.	4E	wie	soll	4A#	.	.	4A#	wie	soll
4C#y	.	.	.	4E	du's	man	4A#y	.	.	4c#y	du's	man
4C#y	.	.	.	4A#	ver-	nicht	4e	.	.	4e	ver-	nicht
=27	=27	=27	=27	=27	=27	=27	=27	=27	=27	=27	=27	=27
2BB	-stan-	trin-	.	2.B	-stan-	trin-	2e	-stan-	trin-	(2g#y	-stan-	trin-
4BB	-den,	-ken,	.	.	.	.	4d#y	-den,	-ken,	4f#y)	.	.
=28	=28	=28	=28	=28	=28	=28	=28	=28	=28	=28	=28	=28
!	!	!	!	!	!	!	!	!	!	!LO:TX:a:B:t=ritard.	!	!
4C#y	wie	soll	.	2E	-den,	-ken,	4e	wie	soll	[2.e	-den.	-ken,
4C#y	du's	man	.	.	.	.	4e	du's	man	.	.	.
4BB	ver-	nicht	.	4r	.	.	4d#y	ver-	nicht	.	.	.
=29	=29	=29	=29	=29	=29	=29	=29	=29	=29	=29	=29	=29
2.AA	-stan-	trin-	.	4A	wie	soll	(2c#y	-stan-	trin-	2.e_	.	.
.	.	.	.	4E	du's	man	.	.	.	.	.	.
.	.	.	.	4F#y	ver-	nicht	4A)	.	.	.	.	.
=30	=30	=30	=30	=30	=30	=30	=30	=30	=30	=30	=30	=30
2.EE;	-den.	-ken.	.	4G#y	-stan-	trin-	2.G#y;	-den.	-ken.	2.e;_	.	.
.	.	.	.	2B;	-den.	-ken.	.	.	.	.	.	.
==	==	==	==	==	==	==	==	==	==	==	==	==
*-	*-	*-	*-	*-	*-	*-	*-	*-	*-	*-	*-	*-
!!!system-decoration: [(s1)(s2)(s3)(s4)]
!!!URL: http://www3.cpdl.org/wiki/index.php/Trinklied,_Op._75,_No._3_(Felix_Mendelssohn)
!!!URL-pdf: http://www3.cpdl.org/wiki/images/6/69/Nh_Mendelssohn_Op75_3.pdf
!!!URL-musicxml: http://www3.cpdl.org/wiki/images/6/6b/Nh_Mendelssohn_Op75_3.mxl
!!!YEM: CPDL - Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 3.0
!!!SCA: CPDL #52575
!!!EED: Nikolaus Hold
!!!EEV: 2018/12/10

MEI from URL

The MEI data for the example song was taken from CPDL #52575. In this case the MEI data file linked to on that page is in a compressed format, so it cannot be loaded directly with the Humdrum notation plugin. First it must be downloaded and unzipped to extract the uncompressed MEI datafile.

Here is the same music loaded from a URL coming from the same location as this webpage rather than stored directly inside of the webpage:

      source: "trink-url",
      url: "Mendelssohn_Op75_3.mei",
      scale: 35,
      filter: "myank -m 1-6 | extract -i kern | autobeam | transpose -b 5 | satb2gs"
<script type="text/x-humdrum" id="trink-url"></script>

The full address of the url is https://plugin.humdrum.org/topic/mei/Mendelssohn_Op75_3.mei.

Note that filter commands can be added even when the input data is MEI. The data is converted automatically into Humdrum data, and then the filter line is added to the Humdrum data before being rendered into graphical music notation. The filter pipe-line for this example means:

Command      Options      Meaning
myank -m 0-5 yank the first five measures of the music (0 means include the pickup-measure)
extract -i kern keep only the kern data spines (getting rid of lyrics and dynamics)
autobeam   automatically beam the music by quarter notes (due to the 3/4 meter)
transpose -b 5 transpose music up a minor second (base-40 interval-class 5)
satb2gs   convert SATB system into a grand-staff system